30 may 2011

Ryoji Ikeda: The Transfinite (follow-up)


The Transfinite, an interactive installation by Ryoji Ikeda (Japan’s leading electronic composer and visual artist), is not only very cool, but surprisingly, an incredibly soothing experience. One would think that the test pattern visuals along with the loud electronic sounds and strobes might have the opposite effect, but at least for us, and seemingly those around us, it was almost hypnotically relaxing. People were lying on the floor for long stretches completely entranced by the spectacle and immersed in the moment.

It is important to note that the show is made up of three parts: test pattern; data.tron; and data.scan. We almost missed the two data sections which were on the other side of the test pattern wall. Below are some short videos to get a sense of the show, but it definitely is more one of those you-had-to-be-there situations.

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